M42 Adapter Guide

Here is my next guide to adapting vintage lenses. M42 is one of the most common adapters people need because of super popular lenses like the Helios 44-2 or other Soviet Union lenses. These adapters are typically cheap (around 10-20 dollars) and simply designed. It’ll normally just be a screw-on metal ring, depending on the camera. I’ll start linking for each brand below.

Canon M42 adapters

Canon EF

Canon EOS R

Nikon M42 adapters

Nikon Z

Nikon F

Sony M42 adapters

Any Sony camera

Fujifilm M42 adapters

Any Fujifilm camera

Hope this was helpful. I took some time to pick out the most affordable adapters because, in my opinion, it is not worth it to spend so much money when you could get a great product that works great for cheaper. I am a big fan of the company Fotasay. They make the most affordable products and everything I have gotten from them has worked great.

Thanks, Trip